arrival to Townsville airport take a taxi to Magnetic Island ferry terminal: SUNFERRIES
MAGNETIC ISLAND are at 169 - 192 Flinders
Street East - ( near City Mall ) and at Breakwater Terminal, Sir Leslie Thiess
Drive, Cost of return tickets Adults: $ 19.90 Child ( 5 -15 years ) : $
Pensioners : and seniors $
10.00 .Family ( 2 Adults + up to 3 kids ) : $
Credit cards are accepted. Reservations are not necessary. At the ferry
terminal place your luggage on provided trolley. On arrival to Magnetic Island
Nelly Bay Harbour taxis and buses meet all arriving ferries. Travel from Townsville
to Magnetic Island takes about 25minutes. There is a bar on the ferry . The
bar has also self-service complimentary tea, coffee and cold water.
Sunferries Phone: (07) 47
713 855 ( 24 Hours)
Taxi to
our Beachside Palms Holiday Units costs about $
5..00. Phone: 131 008
Bus from Nelly Bay
Harbour to our units at 7 Esplanade costs $ 1.00 for adults and
50c for
Children and pensioners. All busses stop
right in front of our units. Just ask the driver. Buses meet
all ferries. Telephone: 4778 5130
Island has Australia's largest fleet of fun mokes* for hire.
Short rentals $ 47.00 per day. Longer
term rates on application. SUZUKI SIERRA, HYUNDAI
EXCEL, NISSAN PULSAR $51 per day NISSAN NOMAD $ 79 per day. Kilometer rate: 44c per km. ( Includes petrol ) Brochures and
bookings available at the ferry terminal. MOKE MAGNETIC: Phone 47 785
377could be also hired from Nelly Bay Bakery Cafe. HOLIDAY MOKE HIRE:
Phone 47 785 703
( *Moke is a small four seats
car that look like a jeep. )
- The Ultimate Island Fun Car! Bookings: (07) 4758 1111
Runner Scooter Hire ( No cycle license required if car license is
held ) Phone: 47 785 222
MAGNETIC ISLAND CAR AND PASSENGER FERRY will take you and your car to Magnetic
Island. See what you want, do what you want, go where you want. Unspoiled national
park, pristine bays, historical sites, coral reef, native wildlife ...and all the fun of a
tropical island getaway ! Standard car $112.20 return ( 6 car
passengers travel free ). Ferry departs from Ross Street in South Townsville. Monday
to Friday 7 departures daily.. Saturday
4 departures . Sunday 5
departures. Vehicle bookings are essential. Walk on Passenger Return Fares $ 13.20
Phone : ( 07 ) 4772 5422
Prices are subject to change. On booking we will send you
current timetables. |